Sexual Harassment
Tustin Employment Lawyer Terry Davis has been dedicated to representing victims of sexual harassment for over 30 years, and is highly respected amongst his peers. In 2001, Attorney Davis tried the first 3rd party liability sexual harassment case in the State of California, obtaining a $555,000 judgment against the California Department of Veteran’s Affairs. As a result of this verdict, then Governor Gray Davis signed legislation requiring California’s employers to protect their employees from harassment by clients and other non-employees.
Sexual Harassment is a form of discrimination, and is therefore prohibited under California’s Fair Employment and Housing Act. Sexual harassment may be either verbal or physical. The perpetrator may be either a man or a woman, and the victim may be a member of the same sex or the opposite sex. Sexual harassment can be carried out by a manager, supervisor, co-worker, and even a non-employee third party.
Although companies have grown more sensitive to the issue of sexual harassment in the workplace, many individuals are still confused as to what may or may not constitute sexual harassment.
Sexual Harassment may include:
- Demands for sexual favors
- Making sexual comments about another’s body
- Making threats for turning down sexual advances
- Offering perks in exchange for sexual favors
- Sexual comments (written, verbal or in electronic communications)
- Sexual gestures
- Sexual Leering
- Unwelcome physical touching
- Unwelcome sexual advances
If you have been a victim of sexual harassment in the workplace, please fill out the Employment Law Case Evaluation Form and a representative from the Tustin Law Office of Employment Attorney Terry Davis will contact you to discuss your case.