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California Employment FAQ

California Employment FAQ2023-09-20T12:30:35-07:00

California Employment FAQ

What is the minimum wage in California?2023-07-09T14:33:31-07:00

The minimum wage in California is $15 per hour for employers with 26 or more employees and $14 per hour for employers with 25 or fewer employees.

Are employers required to provide paid sick leave in California?2023-07-09T14:35:43-07:00

Yes, under California law, employers must provide paid sick leave to their employees. Employees are entitled to accrue one hour of paid sick leave for every 30 hours worked.

Is overtime pay required in California?2023-07-09T14:35:26-07:00

Yes, California law mandates that non-exempt employees receive overtime pay for any hours worked beyond eight hours in a day or 40 hours in a week. Overtime pay is typically one and a half times the regular hourly rate.

Can an employer terminate an employee without cause in California?2023-07-09T14:36:09-07:00

Yes, California follows the “at-will” employment doctrine, which means that an employer can generally terminate an employee without cause or notice. However, certain exceptions exist, such as discrimination or retaliation.

What is the meal and rest break requirement in California?2023-07-09T14:36:44-07:00

California law stipulates that employees are entitled to a 30-minute unpaid meal break for every five hours worked and a 10-minute paid rest break for every four hours worked.

Are employers required to provide health insurance in California?2023-07-09T14:37:14-07:00

California does not mandate employers to provide health insurance to employees. However, employers with 50 or more full-time equivalent employees must offer affordable health insurance or pay a penalty.

What are the anti-discrimination protections in California?2023-07-09T14:37:56-07:00

California law prohibits discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, gender, sexual orientation, national origin, disability, age, and other protected characteristics.

Can employers conduct drug testing in California?2023-07-09T14:38:20-07:00

Yes, but there are restrictions. Generally, employers can conduct drug testing for pre-employment purposes or if there is a reasonable suspicion of substance abuse. However, random drug testing is limited to safety-sensitive positions.

Are employees entitled to family and medical leave in California?2023-07-09T14:38:56-07:00

Yes, under the California Family Rights Act (CFRA), eligible employees can take up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave in a 12-month period for qualifying reasons, including the birth of a child, adoption, or serious health condition.

What are the rules regarding independent contractors in California?2023-07-09T14:39:34-07:00

California uses the ABC test to determine if a worker should be classified as an employee or independent contractor. The test evaluates factors such as the degree of control, the nature of the work, and whether the worker operates an independent business.

Understand Your Rights

If you have been the victim of workplace discrimination, harassment, or wrongful termination, you may be entitled to compensation. Call Attorney Terry Davis today at 714.558.9529 or submit the form linked below.

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